Naomi Parry Duncan
Public SpeakingSkill
Print PublishingSkill
Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander HistorySpecial interest
Social HistorySpecial interest
Local HistorySpecial interest
Naomi Parry Duncan is a prize-winning writer and accredited professional historian who specialises in archival research and writing. She has produced a wide range of social history and community history projects, including stories of forgotten Australians and former child migrants, settler colonialism, the stolen generations, migration studies, and cultural and industrial heritage. She has prepared a wide range of heritage documentation, including listings and significance assessments, and local government studies. She is an engaging public speaker and lecturer.
Naomi was the NSW Historian on the Find & Connect web resource and was a contributor and editor on www.dictionaryofsydney.org. She taught writing in the University of Tasmania’s Diploma of Family History from 2020 until 2023. She is an Adjunct Researcher at the University of Tasmania and since 2023 has represented the users of State Records on the Board of the State Records Authority of NSW.
Naomi was lead author and coordinator on the NSW Centenary of Anzac publication New South Wales and the Great War (2016). Her forthcoming book on the Gai-mariagal warrior Musquito will be published by Allen & Unwin in 2024 and has been supported by the Hazel Rowley Literary Fellowship, the Australia Council for the Arts, the Copyright Agency and the Australia Institute.
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