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Lauren Samuelsson
Public SpeakingSkill
Social HistorySpecial interest
Gender StudiesSpecial interest
Dr Lauren Samuelsson holds a PhD in history and is an Honorary Fellow at the University of Wollongong, Australia. Lauren’s research interests include cultural history, the history of food and drink, the history of popular culture, media history, and gender history. Her PhD thesis considered the influence of the Australian Women’s Weekly magazine and cookbooks on the development of Australian food culture from the 1930s to the 1980s. She has also worked on the social and cultural history of liquor legislation in mid-twentieth century New South Wales. Lauren’s award-winning academic work has been published in History Australia and Australian Historical Studies. Her work as a digital curator and web designer for the online exhibition Ayahs and Amahs: Transcolonial Journeys won the 2022 History Council of New South Wales Addi Road Award for Multicultural History. She has also published in The Conversation, is a regular guest on ABC Radio, and was a subject expert in the documentary series Great Australian Stuff.
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